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班颂德皇家师范大学,Bansomd Jchaopraya Rajabhat University,教育学专业博导;
圣约翰大学,St.John's University,教育学专业博导;
1. An EPR Study of the Cognitive Processes Underlying the Impact of Self-relevant Information on Emotional Word Processing. BMC Psychology. (2024), (通讯作者,SSCI, Q2区,IF=3.6);
2. Constructing a Women-friendly Academic Ecology: Understanding the Push and Pull Forces on Pakistani Women Academics' Research Productivity.Studies in Higher Education.(2024), (共同作者,SSCI, Q1区,IF=4.2);
3. Word of Mouth from an Adolescent with Cancer in the Convalescence Stage to Exploring their Mental Health after Treatment. Scientific Reports. (通讯作者,SCI, Q2区,IF=4.6);
4. The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Pediatric Clinical Practice in Chinese Children's Hospital: A Retrospective Study. Journal of Social Service Research.(2023), (通讯作者,SSCI, Q2区,IF=1.6);
5. Understanding School Enrollment in the Free Education era: Roadblocks to Meeting the Sustainability Development Goal, European Journal of Education,(2023), (第一作者,SSCI, Q2区,IF=2.609);
6. The Impact of Music Listening Intervention on Asia Elderly with Dementia: A Systematic Review. European Journal of Medical Research, (2023), (通讯作者,SCI,Q2,IF = 4.2);
7. Comparing Apples With Apples: Women Faculty Research Productivity in Vietnamese Higher Education. SAGE Open, (2023), (第一作者,SSCI,Q2,IF = 2.032);
8. The Influence of Insecure Attachment on Undergraduate’ Jealousy: the Mediating Effect of Self-differentiation. Frontiers in Psychology, (2023), (通讯作者,SSCI,Q1,IF = 3.8);
9. Exploring Chinese and Ethiopian Higher VET Adolescent Learning Motivation Through the Lens of Self-Determination Theory. PLoS ONE, (2023), (共同作者,SCI,Q2,IF = 3.7);
10. The Impact of Chinese Adolescents Visual Art Participation on Self-Efficacy: A Serial Mediating Role of Cognition and Emotion.PLoS ONE, (通讯作者,SSCI,Q2,IF = 3.7);
11. Integrated Leadership for Coherent School Improvement in Ethiopia: The Moderating Role of Transformational Leadership on the Relationship Between Instructional Leadership and Student Academic Achievement Mediated by School Improvement Process. Psychology in the Schools(2023), (第一作者,SSCI,Q3,IF = 1.923);
12. UXBIV: An Evaluation Framework for Business Intelligence Visualization. IEEE Access. (2023), (通讯作者,SCI,Q2,IF = 3.9);
13. Relationship between Psychological Adaptability and Work Engagement of College
Teachers within Smart Teaching Environments: The Mediating Role of Digital Information Literacy Self-Efficacy. Frontiers in Psychology, 2023). (通讯作者,SSCI,Q1,IF = 3.8);
14. Art Participation, Art Cognition, Art Emotion and Self-Efficacy in Chinese Adolescents: A Serial Mediation Model. Ftontiers in Psychology, (2023)(通讯作者,SSCI,Q1,IF = 4.232);
15. A Systematic Review of the Impact of Physical Activity on Cognitive and Noncognitive Development in Chinese University Students. Sustainability, 15(3),(2023),2438(通讯作者,SSCI,Q2,IF = 3.889);
16. Word of Mouth from Left-Behind Children in Rural China: Exploring Their Psychological, Academic and Physical Well-being During COVID-19,Child Indicators Research,15(5)(2022),1719-1740(第一作者,SSCI,Q2,IF = 2.322);
17. The Impact of Socioeconomic Status on Self-determined Learning Motivation: A Serial Mediation Analysis of the Influence of Gaokao score on Seniority in Chinese Higher Vocational College Students,Children and Youth Services Review,143(2)(2022),106677(共同第一作者,SSCI,Q1,IF = 2.519);
18. Family Socioeconomic Status and the Parent-child Relationship in Chinese Adolescents: the Multiple Serial Mediating Roles of Visual Art Activities,BMC Public Health,22(1)(2022),1018(第一作者,SCI,Q2,IF = 4.135);
19. COVID-19 and Vulnerable Children Well-Being: Interview with Left-Behind Children in Rural China,Children-Basel,9(9)(2022),1317(通讯作者,SCI,Q2,IF = 2.835);
20. Do Chinese Children Need Parental Supervision to Manage Their Out-of-School Visual Art Activities and Academic Work Time?,Frontiers in Psychology,13(2022),1-13(通讯作者,SSCI,Q1,IF = 4.232);
21. Do Migrant Parents’Income or Relationships With Their Left-Behind Children Compensate for Their Physical Absence?,Journal of Family Issues,(2022)1-22(SSCI,Q3,IF = 1.831);
22. Adverse Experiences of Social Adaptation in Children with Leukaemia: A Qualitative Study from China,BMJ Open,12(2022),e051953(SCI,Q2,IF = 3.006);
23. Neural Basis Underlying the Trait of Attachment Anxiety and Avoidance Revealed by the Amplitude of Low-frequency Fluctuations and Resting-state Functional Connectivity,BMC Neuroscience, 22(1)(2021),11(通讯作者,SSCI,Q3,IF = 3.264);
24. Physical and Psychosocial Response to COVID-19 in Chinese Frontline Nurses,Journal of Psychosocial Nursing and Mental Health Services,59(9)(2021),30-37(通讯作者,SSCI,Q4,IF = 1.392);
25. International Doctoral Student Research Self-Efficacy Scandal: A Case Study of Chinese University,International Journal of Higher Education,10(5)(2021),88(通讯作者);
26. School Facilities Are Grooming Primary Schools Academic Performance in Pakistan: A Longitudinal Evidence from Punjab Province,Asian Social Science,17(1)(2020),42(通讯作者);
27. The Experience of Beauty of Chinese Poetry and its Neural Substrates,Frontiers in Psychology,9(2018),1540(第一作者,SSCI,Q1,IF = 4.232)。
1. 临床护士批判性思维评估量表的汉化与信效检验,护理学杂志,39(01)(2024)(通讯作者,CSCD);
2. 白血病儿童社会适应评定量表的编制,中国心理卫生杂志,36(07)(2022),582-590(CSCD);
3. 提升复原力干预策略对改善恶性肿瘤患儿心理社会适应水平的效果,中国护理管理,21(09)(2021),1329-1334(CSCD);
4. 神经美学视野下的文学审美机制研究,大连理工大学学报(社会科学版),39(010)(2018),109-115(第一作者,CSSCI)。
1. 文学审美的神经机制研究,九州出版社,专著;
2. 旗袍的故事,阳光出版社,专著;
3. 生活是本有趣的书,西南师范大学出版社,主编。
1. 青少年心理健康风险数字化预警及长效干预研究,广东省哲学社会科学规划2024年度一般项目(主持,在研);
2. 初中生心理健康风险的智能预警与分级干预,2023年度广东省教育科学规课题(德育专项)(主持,在研);
3. 中小学生肥胖、近视监测及健康干预,深圳市教育科学“十四五”规划2022年度课题重大招标课题(主持,在研);
4. 音乐训练影响儿童言语加工的认知神经过程,深圳市高等院校稳定支持计划面上项目(主持,在研);
5. 青少年癌症患儿心理危机预警干预模式的建立及推广应用,重庆市科学技术局(子课题负责人,已结题)。